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for Victims and Their Families

Lawsuit: East Troy Middle School Band Teacher John Rash


Andreozzi + Foote files lawsuit against John Rash, a former band teacher at East Troy Middle School in Wisconsin.  Five former students allege that Rash subjected them to years of sexual abuse while they were in middle school. This case highlights the systemic failures of the East Troy Community School District, which, according to the lawsuit, ignored repeated complaints and allowed Rash to continue teaching despite clear signs of misconduct.

Allegations of Long-Term Sexual Abuse by John Rash

The plaintiffs, identified as M.G., I.C., K.M., P.C., and E.H., allege that Rash sexually abused them during private band lessons. The abuse is said to have included inappropriate touching, groping, and sexually suggestive comments, all of which fostered a hostile and traumatic environment for the victims. Despite numerous reports to school officials, including the principal, school counselor, and district administrator, no meaningful action was taken to remove Rash from his position or notify the parents of the victims.

According to court documents, Rash’s actions spanned several years, creating a toxic atmosphere that disrupted the students’ ability to learn and develop in a safe environment. The lawsuit brings claims under Title IX, which protects students from sexual harassment and discrimination in educational settings, and the Fourteenth Amendment, asserting that the school district’s inaction deprived the victims of their right to an education free from abuse.

A Pattern of Negligence

The East Troy Community School District is accused of gross negligence and recklessness in failing to act on the complaints about Rash. The lawsuit emphasizes that school officials prioritized protecting the institution’s reputation over the children’s safety. Veronica N. Hubbard, Esq., lead attorney for the plaintiffs, stated: “This case represents a systemic failure by school officials to protect vulnerable students from a known predator. It’s time for them to answer for their deliberate indifference.”

The case also questions the accountability of school administrators and the district for failing to investigate the allegations or supervise Rash properly. Even after the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction investigation led to Rash surrendering his teaching license in 2021, the school district allegedly continued to employ him without reporting the findings to law enforcement.

Implications of the Lawsuit Against John Rash

This lawsuit is a powerful reminder of the importance of addressing sexual abuse allegations promptly and thoroughly. Schools have a legal and ethical obligation to ensure the safety of their students. Yet, in this case, the district allegedly failed to protect these young individuals, allowing the abuse to persist unchecked. The plaintiffs seek justice for themselves and other potential victims whom the district’s inaction may have impacted.

Andreozzi + Foote’s role in representing survivors of sexual abuse has been central to seeking justice in numerous high-profile cases. The firm’s trauma-informed approach to legal representation provides victims the support they need to navigate these difficult circumstances.

Seeking Accountability and Justice

This lawsuit is not just about holding John Rash accountable for his actions. It’s about challenging the systemic failures within educational institutions that allow predators to continue harming vulnerable students. The case is a powerful reminder that survivors of abuse have the right to pursue justice. We are holding school districts accountable when they fail to protect their students.

Andreozzi + Foote ensures that the victims in this case receive the justice they deserve.  1-866-753-5458

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