As I previously reported, Plum High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has come under fire for allegedly covering up student-teacher sexual relationships. You can read my previous post here, in which I discuss the viable Title IX claim many of these victims may have against the School District.
TribLive is now reporting that a grand jury is investigating the Plum sex scandal, which may involve as many as eight students. The Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office convened the grand jury to investigating whether criminal charges should be filed against school officials for failing to report known sexual abuse.
The District Attorney’s investigation may reveal evidence that is damning for the School District. If officials at the High School and/or School District affirmatively covered up sexual abuse at the High School, there is little doubt they were “deliberately indifferent” to the abuse for purposes of Title IX liability.
Andreozzi + Foote has successfully represented several victims in Title IX lawsuits against public schools. Our firm specializes in representing victims of sexual, violent, and financial crimes in civil lawsuits. Our firm is best known for its work on behalf of sexual abuse victims, including representing 11 of Jerry Sandusky’s victims. We are also representing the families of murdered love ones in several cases. If you believe you or a loved one has been a victim of a crime and are interested in exploring a potential civil lawsuit, please contact me immediately