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Pro Cyclist Provides Example Of Overcoming Sexual Abuse

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Children who undergo sexual abuse may struggle to heal after being victimized. The path to recovery is different for every victim, but examples of victims who have overcome this type of attack can help.

The examples of those who overcome this abuse can help for a number of reasons. First, they show that the victim is not alone. Others have gone through similar atrocities and not only survived, but were able to do amazing things with their lives.

One such story was recently shared in an article by The Huffington Post. The article shares the story of a professional cyclist who was the victim of sexual abuse when she was a teenager. The young woman explains how her road to recovery was difficult, how she has struggled with eating disorders and depression. She also explains how she is happy to share her story “in order to help others recover from similar ordeals.”

This young woman shares two things that helped her heal: time and cycling. She shares that for her recovery process, hitting the road on her bicycle allowed her to “get away from it all.” This pastime was not just helpful for her psyche, but also for her professional ambitions. The young woman has won multiple National Championships and over 35 international cycling race wins.

What Can Other Victims Of Sexual Abuse Learn From Her Story?

This woman’s story provides an example for others in similar situations. Although the road ahead is not always easy, she pushes victims to move forward because they “can do great things.”

One step that many find helpful involves holding their abusers accountable through a civil suit. This is different from a criminal suit, which involves the state holding the abuser accountable for violating the law.

Those who are considering moving forward with a civil suit are wise to contact an attorney.

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