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Second New Wilmington, Pennsylvania teacher arrested for sexual relationship with student

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On Monday, Olivia Ortz, a Pennsylvania high school choir director was arrested for a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old female student after her husband alerted administrators of Wilmington Area High School. Ortz’s husband allegedly found incriminating messages on Ortz’s iPad, prompting him to alert school officials.

Ortz was suspended from the school on May 9, a warrant was issued for her arrest on Friday, and she was taken into custody on Monday and charged with two (2) criminal counts associated with her sexual activity with her student.  Even after notification of the alleged sexual assault, Ortz attended and sang in the Shenango Valley Chorale’s 50th anniversary concert before turning herself into authorities on Monday.

Ongoing messages between Ortz and 17-year-old student

Investigators reportedly found more than 100 messages between Ortz and her female student using Spotify’s chat function.  They even allegedly had a code word in case their relationship was ever discovered.  The minor student admitted to investigators that Ortz would have the student over to her house when her spouse was away, staying overnight, and having sex on several occasions.  The teen even admitted to police that she was continuing to communicate with Ortz even while criminal charges were pending.

Ortz was committed to the Lawrence County Pennsylvania jail on a $150,000 bond, which she posted.

Second Wilmington High School teacher charged with Sexual Misconduct

Shockingly, Ortz’s predecessor as Wilmington Area High School, Jonathan Priano, is also facing similar charges of sexual misconduct with his students. His criminal case is pending. He is facing 10 counts of sexual assault and two counts of unlawful contact with minors.

Similar sexual abuse of children by their teachers have not only resulted in criminal convictions as in this case, but also civil judgments. It is also not uncommon for these abusers of children to have abused other children. It is important that victims receive justice to the fullest extent of the law and that those who are response for the abuse are held accountable.

Pennsylvania’s Andreozzi & Foote Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse

Andreozzi + Foote is one of the nation’s leading firms in representing survivors of sexual abuse against large and powerful institutions.  The institutions, especially the schools where we sent our children, are entrusted to care for children are expected to follow their own policies and procedures to keep children safe from harm.

The firm of Andreozzi + Foote has handled multiple cases against schools and school districts, youth sports organizations, churches, ministries, and camps for their part in sexual abuse and exploitation of minors.

If you or a loved one was the victim of sexual abuse or exploitation, including those who were abused by their teachers or within their schools, please reach out to us for a free consultation at 866-311-8640.

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