Obtaining Life Changing Results
for Victims and Their Families

Two Patients Dislcose Against NY Dr. Amir Sitafalwalla


Amir Sitafalwalla, 72, a Woodhaven doctor in Queens, New York, at ModernMD Urgent Care, is facing charges of sexual abuse.

Charges are:

  • third-degree sexual abuse
  • forcible touching after he allegedly touched and complimented the genitalia of two patients.

Doctors who abuse their positions of power to sexually exploit patients not only violate medical ethics but also cause profound psychological and physical harm. Such misconduct undermines trust in the healthcare system, leaving victims feeling vulnerable and betrayed by those sworn to protect them. While criminal charges are essential in holding perpetrators accountable, civil justice offers victims a crucial avenue to seek compensation for their trauma, medical expenses, and emotional suffering. Civil lawsuits also play a vital role in raising public awareness, prompting institutional changes, and ensuring healthcare providers implement stricter safeguards to prevent future abuses.

Can a Civil Lawsuit Help Victims Seek Justice for the Trauma They May Have Experienced By Amir Sitafalwalla?

By initiating legal action, survivors can hold institutions that may have enabled or failed to prevent the abuse accountable for their actions. Civil suits allow victims to seek compensation for the physical, emotional, and psychological harm they have endured.

Additionally, these lawsuits contribute to raising awareness about the prevalence of sexual abuse and fostering a culture that prioritizes the safety and well-being of individuals over organizational interests. As a result, survivors gain a platform to share their experiences. Thereby challenging the culture of silence surrounding sexual abuse and empowering others to come forward.

Can I File A Lawsuit Against the Facility?

Yes. If the medical facility knew about Amir Sitafalwalla’s conduct and failed to act, you might have rights if you were a victim.

Andreozzi + Foote is a leading sexual abuse law firm in the nation. Please reach out to us today to talk about your possible legal rights. 1-866-753-5458.

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